Power. Love. Leadership.
A Conversation with Saira Jesani From Part Ⅱ
I designed and animated an 8-part video series for SYPartners. The series explores a new perspective on the role of leadership in business, love, and power through conversations with SYPartners CEO Jessica Orkin and eight creative and visionary leaders. Divided into two parts, each features in-depth discussions with the four leaders and Jessica. I'm thankful to SYPartners and Derrick for the opportunity to contribute to this project.
SYPartners를 위해 8부작 영상 시리즈를 디자인하고 애니메이션을 제작하였습니다. 이 시리즈는 SYPartners의 CEO인 Jessica Orkin과 여덞 명의의 창의적이고 비전 있는 리더들의 대담을 통해 비지니스 리더의 역할과 사랑, 권력에 대한 새로운 탐구를 보여줍니다. 2부작으로 나뉜 이 시리즈는 각 부마다 네명의 리더와 제시카의 대담을 담고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트에 함께 할 기회를 주신 SYPartners와 Derrick에게 감사드립니다.
Client: SYPartners
Creative Direction: Derrick Barreiro
Design & Animation: Hyejin June Hong
Audio Production & Music Composition: Peter Fedak
Content: Tiffany Kuan
Media Production: Bob Villatore
Part Ⅰ
Kerem Alper | Co-founder of ATÖLYE
Tina Roth Eisenberg | Founder and CEO of CreativeMornings, Tattly, FRIENDS WORK HERE
Keith Yamashita | Founder, SYPartners
Ivy Ross | VP of Hardware Design at Google
Part Ⅱ
Alian Sylvain | Founder and CEO, SYLVAIN
Dr. Angel Acosta | Founder, Acosta Consulting and healing-centered educator
Saira Jesani | Deputy Executive Director, Data & Trust Alliance and Partner, SYPartners
Find out more about this project here:
2024 IDA 18th International Design Awards, Gold, Multimedia
2024 VEGA Digital Awards, Silver Winner, Digital Illustration, Animation/VisualGraphics
2024 GDUSA American Graphic Design Award, Motion Graphics
2024 The Webby Awards Nominees