Power. Love. Leadership

Conversation with Kerem Alper

I designed and animated 4 series for SYPartners. I was so grateful to Derrick and SYPartners for trusting me with my opinion and style in making these animations. In conversations with creative and visionary leaders, SYPartners CEO Jessica Orkin explores new practices around love and power in business.

After the first part was completed. Recently the second part was additionally produced. The second series features three CEOs and Jessica Orkin(CEO, SYPartners). Please check the dialogue at the link below.

SYPartners를 위해 4가지 시리즈의 영상을 디자인하고 애니메이션을 하였습니다. 이 시리즈는 SYPartners의 CEO인 Jessica Orkin과 네명의 창의적이고 비전 있는 리더들의 대화를 통해 비지니스에서의 리더의 역할, 사랑과 권력에 관한 새로운 탐구를 확인 할 수 있습니다. 함께 할 수 있는 기회를 준 SYPartners와 Derrick에게 감사의 인사를 전합니다.

4가지 시리즈로 구성된 첫번째 시리즈가 끝난 후, 두번째 시리즈를 추가 제작 하였습니다. 두번째 시리즈에서는 3명의 CEO들과 Jessica Orkin(CEO, SYPartners)가 함께 합니다. 두번째 파트의 결과물은 대화는 아래의 링크에서 확인해 주세요.

Part Ⅱ

It was a long-term project that took place for over a year, and it was a meaningful project with a lot to learn while making it.

Part Ⅰ - Leaders interviewed
Kerem Alper | Co-founder of ATÖLYE
Tina Roth Eisenberg | Founder and CEO of CreativeMornings, Tattly, FRIENDS WORK HERE
Keith Yamashita | Founder, SYPartners
Ivy Ross | VP, Head of design hardware products at Google

Check out more information about this project:

Client: SYPartners
Creative Direction: Derrick Barreiro
Design & Animation: Hyejin June Hong
Audio Production & Music Composition: Peter Fedak
Content: Tiffany Kuan
Media Production: Bob Villatore

Part Ⅰ

Conversation with Tina Roth Eisenberg

Conversation with Keith Yamashita

Conversation with Ivy Ross

Part Ⅱ
Check out the second series at the link below.




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